
当医院では歯科治療中の痛みや不安や精神的なストレスに対して、細心の注意を払い様々な方法で対応しています。静脈鎮静法は点滴を麻酔を腕の静脈内に投与し行う方法です。意識はありますがウトウトとうたた寝をしているようなリラックスした状態になります。全身麻酔のような意識を失うようなものでは無く、身体への負担も入院の必要もありません。治療に伴う不快な痛みや振動、音等がほぼ気にならず、快適に治療を受ける事が出来ます。またモニターで血圧などの全身管理をしっかりした上で行うので安心です。これまでの歯科治療において緊張や不安の気持ちから体調不良に陥った事のある方、嘔吐反射のある方にもおすすめです。 We take great care and use a variety of methods to deal with pain, anxiety, and emotional stress during dental treatment. IV sedation is a method in which anesthesia is administered intravenously through an intravenous drip into a vein in the arm. The patient becomes conscious but relaxed, as if dozing off. It does not cause loss of consciousness like general anesthesia, and there is no physical burden or need for hospitalization. The patient can undergo treatment comfortably, with little or no discomfort from pain, vibration, or noise. In addition, the patient's blood pressure and other general conditions are closely monitored, so you can rest assured that the treatment will be performed with a high degree of confidence. It is also recommended for those who have experienced physical discomfort due to nervousness or anxiety during previous dental treatment, or for those who have a vomiting reflex.
塗る麻酔薬 Ointment
治療中の痛みを無くす為の麻酔注射は歯科治療において無くてはならない存在です。しかしその麻酔注射自体の痛みが患者様のご負担になる場合もあります。当医院では注射を打つ際の「チクッ」とした痛みを軽減するため、注射を打つ前に「塗る」タイプの麻酔薬を使用します。この「表面麻酔薬」を患部に塗り、ジワジワと麻酔効果が得られた後に注射をする事で注射自体の痛みを軽減する事が出来ます。 Anesthesia injections are an indispensable part of dental treatment to eliminate pain during treatment. However, the pain of the anesthetic injection itself can be a burden to the patient. At our clinic, we use an anesthetic that is "applied" before the injection to reduce the "stinging" pain of the injection. By applying this "surface anesthetic" to the affected area and injecting the anesthetic after the anesthetic effect has been gradually obtained, the pain of the injection itself can be reduced.
極細の注射針 Ultrafine needles
麻酔注射が痛む原因の1つに注射針の太さが有ります。当医院では痛みを軽減する為に開発された「超極細の注射針」を使用しています。この注射針は特殊刃面構造により刺通抵抗を低減し、刺入時の痛みを軽減します。滑らかに「スッと」患部に入る事で痛みが軽減されます。また極細の針なので的確な部位への刺入が可能です。 One of the reasons why anesthesia injections are painful is the thickness of the needle. At our clinic, we use "ultra-thin injection needles" developed to reduce pain. This needle has a special blade surface structure to reduce penetration resistance and pain at the time of injection. Smoothly entering the affected area "without hesitation" reduces pain. In addition, the ultra-fine needle allows for precise entry into the area.
麻酔薬 Anesthetic
麻酔注射の痛みには刺さる時の「チクっと」した痛みの他に、麻酔薬が実際に注入されて行く時に感じる痛みも有ります。麻酔薬を注入する時も「ゆっくりと一定の圧力」で注射をする事で嫌な痛みを緩和する事が出来ます。 Anesthesia injections can cause a "sting" when the anesthetic is injected, as well as pain when the anesthetic is actually injected. Injecting the anesthetic slowly and with constant pressure can alleviate the unpleasant pain.
人肌に近い温度の麻酔薬 Temperature close to human skin
麻酔薬自体の温度と患者様の体温との温度差が激しい場合に痛みを感じる事が有ります。当医院では麻酔薬を予め人肌の温度にしておく事で注入の際の痛みを軽減しています。 Pain may be felt when there is a large temperature difference between the anesthetic itself and the patient's body temperature. At our clinic, anesthetics are pre-mixed at the temperature of human skin to reduce pain during injection.
〒106-0032 東京都港区六本木7-5-9 六本木PRIMO 4F Roppongi PRIMO Bldg 4F, 7-5-9, Roppongi, Minato City, Tokyo, Japan, 1060032
10:00 - 19:00 日曜・祝日休診
10:00 - 19:00
Closed on Sundays and holidays